jeudi 4 septembre 2008

Un livre sur Illmatic par Michael Eric Dyson

Dr. Michael Eric Dyson a annoncé hier qu'il était en train d'écrire un livre sur le 1er album de Nas "Illmatic".

"Every song on Illmatic will be analyzed, interpreted and then re-articulated in a kind of intellectual sense from his own base in Hip Hop and we’re trying to deal with that seriously."

Large Professor qui a produit 3 des 10 titres de l'album dont 2 singles a réagit à cette nouvelle:
"It means a lot. That’s what we were working for though. It’s finally paying off. It was a lot of hard work put into getting that album how it was – even getting Nas to that point. It’s finally payin’ off. Sometimes it’s a delayed reaction with things. Back in the days, my father would tell me, ‘You’re ahead of your time.’ I didn’t know what that meant. Sometimes that’s a good thing and a bad thing. You get a grasp on it, and you understand what it is, and you realize it."

Le livre devrait sortir en janvier 2009 selon le site Amazon et pourrait s'appeler "Born To Use Mics: Reading Nas' Illmatic" (titre à confirmer).
